Times running out for baby # 2
Times running out for baby # 2
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Abby Sherman is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
We have been trying to have another baby for 6 years…! In 2017, at 26 years old, weighing 398lbs, I delivered a very healthy 9lb 8oz baby boy, Jayden Paul via emergency C-section. He was the perfect baby and even though I had a miserable pregnancy due to my extreme morbid obesity, One year later(on Jayden’s 1st birthday) we made the decision that we wanted to start trying for another. After 9 months of negative pregnancy tests we went to the doctor to ask for help and I was told to lose weight (I was 375lbs at the time. Desperately wanting to complete our family and knowing that in order to do so that I needed to get healthy, in 2019 I had a sleeve gastrectomy done & had gone from 375lbs to 156lbs in less than a year. I went back to the doctor and We had gotten the okay to start trying again 6 months after my surgery. It wasn’t until almost two years later on August 26, 2022 that I finally found out I was pregnant ! 4 long years, negative test after negative tests, I finally got my positive!! I was in disbelief. I was finally getting the girl I had longed for my entire life. She was due May 10 2023 but I had a scheduled repeat c section for May 4. everything was perfect, until it wasn’t. At 10 weeks I started bleeding. They told me that was a sub chorionic hematoma, they would continue to monitor me. It should clear up on its own. Baby girl was fine, despite the bleeding. By 19 weeks the bleeding only got worse, and by now I was beginning to pass blood clots the size of my hand.. but every time I went to the ER they told me that my baby girl was just fine and they told me to stay on bed rest and sent me home. 48 hours after I got home from the hospital on December 13, 2022 I was taking a shower. I was washing myself and as I went to clean my private parts I all of a sudden felt something sticking out of me. I still had soap in my hair so I rinsed it quickly out and then checked again if it was still there, it was. I was thinking that maybe I had a prolapsed cervix or something. I got out of the shower and told my husband to follow me in the bedroom (I didn’t want to alarm our then 5 year old) I bent over and I asked him to look. “babe it’s a foot.” My husband told me. I dropped to the ground screaming “no!” I knew it was too early. She needed to wait a few more weeks if she had any chances of survival. My husband called 911 and they rushed me to the hospital that was closest to our house. I could feel her foot moving, wiggling, stuck inside of me. They did an ultrasound on me and after they realized she was still alive The doctors started calling around to other hospitals trying to find anyone who could help, but it was too late for her, she wasn’t developed enough. They came in the hospital room and they told me she wouldn’t be able to survive and that they would give me meds to start labor so that I could deliver her, that when I did, if she was still alive they wouldn’t do anything to intervene. My world, in that moment, ended. 2am on December 14, 2022 (my Nana’s birthday) at exactly 20 weeks, weighing 14oz, I delivered my beautiful, lifeless baby girl Brynlee Nicole. She had suffocated inside of my birth canal after my water broke. I held her for 24 hours before the funeral home came and took her for cremation. I was left to go home and tell my son, who was so excited for his baby sister, that she was gone. I tell you that to tell you this. My son asks us everyday why it’s “just him” he’s almost 7 now. We are seeking help with Boston IVF . But we were quoted $2600 just for extraction for my husband and that’s with insurance. That doesn’t include the entire IVF process. Please help us complete our family! We are 34 this year and we are running out of time! We just so badly yearn to give our son the sibling he so badly wants and to feel as if our family is whole. Please consider donating, or even just sharing this. Anything helps! Never in my life did I think I would start a go fund me for myself. I also never imagined that having a second child was going to be so hard or that it was going to be so expensive. We are currently at a limbo in our journey because we need to have his sperm extracted, we need to do an egg retrieval, I have to start meds and then they would do an embryo transfer. We can’t start this until we have the funds! We appreciate you reading this far! Thank you so much! Lot Abby, Phil & Jayden
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Abby Sherman is organizing this fundraiser.